Wingborne hydrofoil

Sponsor details

Donations to the WBHF project are welcome. Sponsorship arrangements are also encouraged. Naming rights are still available. Please contact us.

The WBHF team is grateful for the support already received from the following commercial, academic and government organisations.

Fibreglass International (now Nuplex) - Composite materials, resin vacuum infusion technology.
CST Composites - Filament wound carbon fibre tubes.
Dotmar - Supply and CNC machining of plastics for fairings, bearings and bushes.
J S Machining - CNC Machining of aluminium parts and moulds.
Technica - CNC Machining of aluminium parts and moulds.
TAFE SA - Parafield Campus - Aviation - Specialist composites workshop.
Nought Infinity Networks - Webpage design and hosting.
Foamex - Polystyrene, styrofoam, hot wire profile cutting.
Johnson Outdoors - Rudder foot control tracks and pedals.
SKF - Bearings and seals.
Capral Aluminium - Aluminium for machining of moulds and components.
University of Technology, Sydney - Student project business plan.
Fresh Innovators - Science media training.
Boating Industry Association of SA - Boatshow display stand.
Jigsaw Group - Business planning.
Lavender CE - Composite materials and engineering. - On-line sailing news.
Nupol Composites - Composite materials/vacuum infusion materials and advice.
Pyramid paints/Seahorse Marine Paints - Specialist marine paints.
RTM Products - Closed moulding materials and advice.

©2013 Nought Infinity Networks